The NEXUS Code
“FOCUS on Purpose”
If you had a magic wand for your life, your business, your career… what would you wish for?
Over many years working with people in all walks of life, I have found that, deep down, most people know what success means to them.
… and yet, you and I also know that the biggest barrier to people achieving their success is often themselves.
Many people KNOW what they could be doing, or should be doing, to achieve better results and to reach their goals… but they struggle to transform that knowledge into consistent, focused action… There’s a barrier that stops them – I call it ‘interference’ – and most do not know how to break through that barrier.
The fact is, there are a lot of myths that have built up around personal and business success.
You see, it’s not stuff like ‘setting SMART goals’ and ‘stepping out of comfort zones’ that make the difference… Nor is it just about working hard.
Yes, it’s about the way you set goals.
Yes, it’s about having a clear masterplan of how to get there.
And yes, it’s about the way you take focused action, consistently, to achieve those goals.
But … there’s something else at play too…
I’ve also discovered that deep down, on some level, success is chosen.
Yes, chosen.
And that choice happens on the inside. It’s in our approach, in our mindset.
What is The NEXUS Code about?
Over the past 22 years, Phil Olley has created a coded action plan for success, utilising a suite of psychological tools, professional focus techniques, and goal-getting strategies that allow anyone, in any walk of life and in any field of endeavour, to dramatically improve their results and achieve their goals.
When working with top achievers, Phil noticed that it’s not traditional text book ‘personal development’ concepts that make the difference. Instead, there was something different in the way they thought, the way they approached life, and the way they acted that came from deep within. Phil decided to see if this could be modelled and taught…
This is The NEXUS Code.
At Phil’s speaking engagements, public events, seminars and masterclasses, you’ll discover this code, and all you need to take the next steps forward in your life, your business, your career.
- Create clarity and find your direction
- Learn how to make your goals compelling so that you’ll follow through on the actions required.
- Discover the power of a 90-day goal focus – The ASM system
- Discover the simple, practical system to help you make any change you want.
- Improve results in all areas of life… business results, sales results, health, relationships, finances, and happiness.
- Remove stress, anxiety, hassle, frustration, and get yourself “out of the quagmire.”
- Gain confidence – the power to unleash the real YOU.