Spring Cleaning your Business Life
Many people are reporting Overwhelm, Busy-ness, and a general malaise that is dragging them and their teams down. After 3 years of continuing change and uncertainty, it’s perhaps little wonder that sometimes energy levels are low, and the intent is a bit lacking! It...
Guaranteeing Results – Persistent Progression
Guaranteeing your results, Persistent Progression, and Numbers Do you focus on results? Yes? Many people say they do. You might too. And that can be a good thing because it is crucial to know what your outcome is in any situation. But… it’s also possible to be...
September Restarts
The beginning of September is one of my favourite times of the year… and for me has always held a particular significance. Isn’t it something deep in our psyche about this time of year that makes us ready for a “new start”, a new term, perhaps a new harvest… with...
Soft Skills for Hard Times
Leading Out of Lockdown - Soft Skills for Hard Times One of the most incredible misnomers in business is the use of the term “soft skills” to describe such issues as goal setting, thinking, sales, communication, and time effectiveness. It is these skills that are the...
The Procrastination Pandemic!
I’m declaring it official. It’s a pandemic. It cripples lives and businesses. The problem of procrastination is something which many people suffer from, to a greater or lesser extent. So how do you recognise the signs of Procrastination, and what is the antidote?...
Having a Half-Time Team Talk
In the challenging game of 2020, as we reach the mid-year point, how is yours going so far? • a stretching soaring success? • an incremental increase on last year? • a so-so, normal, not bad, life/business-as-usual kind of year? Nothing worse, I hope! Whether you are...
Creating Significance
One of the main drivers for you, and any person, is a sense that you are making a difference, a sense that what you are doing and being, on a moment by moment basis, is significant. Significance can be a huge motive for action (Motivation) and will ensure that you can...
All Change…?
It's probably the time of year. A time when people want to make changes... sometimes huge changes. Sometimes changes in life, sometimes changes in career, sometimes changes of habits. Having had time to think about 'our lot' over the festive period, many people turn...
The Extra Hour
Many people in business wish they had an extra hour (or more) every day! Well, here in the UK we recently gained an “extra” hour by virtue of the clocks going back. Now, although the extra hour happened on a Sunday, I imagine most people’s day did not alter one bit,...
Trafalgar Day – so, what do you expect?
Most are familiar, I am sure, with Nelson’s signal hoisted by flags in his ship to the assembled fleet on the day of the battle of Trafalgar (21st October 1805): “England Expects that every man shall do his duty.” What do you expect of yourself? Do you expect yourself...
The Value of Simplicity
One of the things that struck me over these past couple of weeks whilst chatting with people before and after my engagements, is the amount of clutter and business treacle which seems to envelop businesses, and teams, and individuals. It is so easy to lose sight of...
Repairing the Time Drains
Time is most people’s most precious resource, and the one which is most scarce. Yet, time is so frequently wasted by many people… it just slides by. Imagine your time is like water and is flowing through your life carried by a network of pipes that ensure your time...
On a Massive Mission
All the fancy marketing tools, all the great products, all the great service, must flow from having the foundations in place. Decision-making, strategic direction, marketing strategy, branding, day-to-day operational decisions, become easier once you have the...
The Procrastination Pandemic
From Distraction to Action I’m declaring it official. It’s a pandemic. The Procrastination Pandemic cripples lives and businesses. We are all susceptible to it. So how do you recognise the signs of Procrastination, and what’s the antidote? Symptoms: • An increase in...
A New Term..?
The beginning of September is one of my favourite times of the year... and for me has always held a particular significance. Isn’t it something deep in our psyche about this time of year that makes us ready for a “new start”, a new term, perhaps a new harvest? There's...
Being Frank – Simple Measures
I like simplicity. I like things to be straightforward. I like stuff that really works. And we all know that in business it’s often the simple things that do work best. And over the years, I have been fascinated by the fact that those who succeed in business have an...
Keeping It Significantly Simple
I have never liked the phrase KISS (“Keep it Simple Stupid… after all, I don’t think any of us should be thinking of ourselves as stupid!) I much prefer: Keep it Significantly Simple. Remember, Simple, not easy. In business terms, this means devoting time, energy,...