“Life is too short for non-Wow! Projects.”
Thus says Tom Peters in one of my favourite little books: “The Project 50.”
Every small business is a project, and more importantly needs to be a wow project!
In itself, and also in the way it’s seen by customers.
Never more has this been the case than now, in a world of busy-ness…
In the modern world, there’s a need to grab attention. But so many get it wrong. Grabbing attention for its own sake is a dead end .
Customers buy differences they perceive.
It’s always the small things, the things that are almost imperceptible, that make a difference.
It’s not about customer satisfaction. The aim must be to delight them…
and be rememberable and remarkable. Yes, remark-able. Worthy of positive remark.
On a day-to-day basis, there are
2 key activities
1. creating new customers
2. making sure they come back
Creating value builds loyalty.
Loyalty builds growth, profit, and even more value.
Profit is indispensable, but it is a consequence of value creation.
Now let’s look at your business:
How frequently do you get clients of the right type, coming back?
Could you do more to get them coming back?
If YES, why aren’t you doing more NOW?