Thinking back to second year chemistry, I am sure you remember the way a Litmus Test works… to test whether a substance is alkaline or acid, the litmus paper is dipped in. If it turns red, that’s acid. If it turns blue, that’s alkaline.

For our Business Success Litmus Test we can do it slightly differently. You take an idea, a commitment, a business performance target and you measure where you are in relation to it. There are only two possible results.

●  Red Hot means you are doing it and committed to it 100 percent

●  Ice cold means that, although you may have thought about it or remember it as a good idea you picked up somewhere, you haven’t yet got round to seriously doing anything about it.

This requires Honesty, of course. And it is important that you go with your gut-feeling responses. If you are in any doubt about the answer, you are not Red Hot. Give it a go…


The Business Litmus Test Red Hot Ice Cold
Purpose and vision – clear
3-Year Growth plan in place and working
Current 90 day goals – fully engaged and compelling
Systems in place
Financial Strategy
Financial controls
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Platform
Marketing Engine
Seamless Sales Process
Fuss-free operational effectiveness
Team – fully “onboard”
Performance standards at every level in the business
World Class Customer Service and Value
Freedom and Control: You’re running the business, rather than the business running you!


Doing the litmus test will indicate some trends in the business, or some areas you are taking for granted. Consider those areas where you can see a trend which has a detrimental impact on performance and on productivity. Then set to work on spring cleaning these. This is about making sure you are doing the little things which make the big difference.

By the way… I also have templates for the Team Litmus Test and a Personal Litmus Test.

If you’d like these, email and Super-Sharon will oblige.