One of the biggest bugbears many managers and leaders struggle with is the stream of constant interruptions, and in particular the tendency these interruptions have is that they are problems, not options for solutions.
Notwithstanding the desire to be always available for everyone in your team to have direct access to you. Yes sure. But you and I will have been there, I’m certain… Working on some crucial task or project, and in walks Sid with the latest in a series of “problems” with this or that.
So, how do you train the members of your team to come up to you with solutions not problems?
Here are 5 questions that you can have as the filter through which your team members approach you… They must have these answered, as best they can, and only then come to you.
1. What specifically is the problem?
2. What are the causes of the problem?
3. What are the possible solutions?
4. What is the best solution?
5. Why is that the best solution?
You will then be presented with constructive issues, not a series of problems and interruptions.
Many “problems” will solve themselves!
Many will come to you with a solution and a plan of action for you to endorse.
Some will require your input – your expertise, your knowledge, your experience, your insights and your authority for action.
And all will be more dynamic, positive and proactive.
You’ll function more effectively. And so will your team. And so will each individual because the onus of responsibility and thinking has been shifted to them in the first instance.