Which computer do you switch on first…? Your laptop or your “necktop”?

Isn’t it fascinating how we allknow how we should start the day, but how few people really do put it into practice.

You know how there are some days when everything sets off badly… and then gets worse. And there are others where the day starts brilliantly, and everything turns to gold, all day! Well, of course we want to have more of the latter. So how can we make sure we set this in motion, every day? The first hour sets the tone for the whole day. So, what is yours like?

We all know the value of some form of exercise to get the juices flowing. You will have your own favourite, and it doesn’t have to be a 12 mile run before the sun comes up! At the very least, it’s great to start the day with some stretching exercises to improve posture. Yoga, Tai Chi, or a personalised programme need only be 15 minutes to give you a really good start. Maybe a simple walk around the block with the dog is all you need. Slouching behind a steering wheel will rarely do the trick.

“Mindsetting” comes next. It’s a strong mindset which will get you making those breakthroughs which you will otherwise miss. Create a strong mental image of your long term goals. Use Visualisation techniques to cement this into your subconscious. All top athletes use such techniques to maximise performance, and many business people are doing the same to keep on top form.

Next it’s time to switch on the business brain. This is about creating the right mental framework to build your business and improve your results. It’s about having the right focus on the things which really matter in terms of building your business, improving your products and services, and it’s the sort of things that make the real difference in the way you view the day’s work.
Use these questions to get your thoughts racing:
The “First Thing” question: what is the one thing I can do today to get me closer to my goals?
The “Magic Wand” question: if I had a magic wand for my business what would I wish for right now? And what can I do today to move me closer to that?
If I had to double my business immediately what would I do? And what can I do today which would make that happen? If I had to double my fees what would I need to do to improve my service which would make it still a great deal for my customers/clients? And what can I do today to make that happen?

Then we’re on to an Action Plan for the day. Ideally you have written this out the night before. Now your goals are firmly in mind and your focus clear, it makes it easy to prioritise. If your list seems insurmountable, focus on only 3 key areas. And make these your essential actions for the day. As long as they relate directly to productivity and to your goals, you won’t go far wrong.

By the way, if you are thinking, “How am I going to afford the time to do all that before I start work?”
Question 1: How can you afford not to?
Question 2: Why are you thinking of this as not work?
After all, it is going to make the rest of the day your best!

Until next time, wishing you every success…